Trusted Brands

Amsterdam Printing and Litho

"With the help of this grant, we are better equipped to invest in our employees and our infrastructure. And we are excited to grow our operations right here in Montgomery County."
Tim Broadhead

Printing Our Way To The Top

Founded by Abraham Singer in 1898, Amsterdam Printing, now owned by Taylor Corporation, headquartered in Minnesota, has grown into one of the 15 largest promotional product companies in the United States.

With facilities in Amsterdam, Montgomery County and Queensbury, Warren County, today the company is a leader in bringing innovative promotional products to market to help businesses creatively promote their company and retain their customers by offering products ranging from personalized pens to calendars and t-shirts, and all types of promotional products.

With the help of the Montgomery County Business Development Center, Amsterdam Printing was able to secure a grant from New York State which will allow the company to increase their investments in both technology and equipment.

Today, Amsterdam Printing employs more than 500 people across the capital region, with some employees having over 50+ year careers with the company. With the aid of this grant, Amsterdam Printing will continue to grow and serve Montgomery County as a top employer in the area.

Amsterdam Printing President, Tim Broadhead said, “With the help of this grant, we are better equipped to invest in our employees and our infrastructure. And we are excited to grow our operations right here in Montgomery County.”

For nearly 120 years, Amsterdam Printing has been helping businesses grow with customer promotional production and this just another example of what makes Amsterdam Printing and Montgomery County “Made of Something Stronger.” #DevelopingStronger

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